
As a company that sells its products solely through select distribution channels, Black Hawk Seals (BHS) remains dedicated to holding the interests of our distribution partners in the highest regard.  As such, our commitment to our loyal distributors continues to be one of revenue protection and mutual growth.  In cases where company names of the distributor’s customers are disclosed, as it relates to a specific opportunity or project, BHS will withhold those names from any potential competitive parties, as associated with said distributor and opportunity.  Furthermore, if a distribution partner has executed an exclusivity agreement with their customer, a similar exclusivity agreement with BHS can be considered.  As it pertains to specific sales opportunities, custom-developed parts that would contain the BH- prefix in its part number will only be sold to the distributor for which it was originally developed, unless express written consent is issued by the distributor.  Black Hawk Seals, its affiliates, employees, and stakeholders, have accepted this commitment unilaterally.